Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Weekly tips for GMAT preparation!

Here are some of the tips for students who want to prepare for public exams or other state exams. These can help you to get a striking score on the test, but the given schedule needs at least three months of preparation and you can get a high score of 700+.
These are some of the best tips to score on exams like GMAT:

Week 1-4: In the beginning, you must focus on familiarizing yourself with the exam procedure as much as you can. You might require official guides for this purpose and also realize your own strengths and weaknesses. Go through the practice test to familiarize yourself with the procedure. By the end of the month, you must know what is on the test and gone through at least two of the practice tests and understood your own test taking capabilities.

Week 5-8: In the middle month, you have to keep a check on your progress. Keep a track of your correct and incorrect questions. Revise the concepts on a weekly basis and also address your weaknesses on each week basis. Purchase some books which can help to supplement your work. Reading could also improve your knowledge and you can also take the assistance of a private tutor of needed. When the week ends, take practice tests to check on your progress and on the basis of your score select a plan for the week to come. You also have to study some extra things which are outside the scope of the relevant text like some questions of general knowledge. When the month ends, you must have gone through two more tests and make your concepts more solid.
Week 9-12: In the last month, it is the time to pace up your work. You must finish off one practice test each week and enhance your stamina as the work paces. Think upon which of the questions you are still needing time and making you slow. Continue learning some more concepts but also practice other questions as the time passes. You can become atrophic if you are too much away from your work. Do focus but do not burn yourself. Emphasize more on doing quality work rather than doing more work. It is good if you dive into those texts which are a little bit harder and search for their questions. These can be a range of difficult to easy and medium ones. By the end of 90th day you will be able to finish all the sections within the given time limit and also be able to give self feedback on the test.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Some useful tips to get your research paper completed

Doing research at the end of one’s undergraduate and graduate program is a degree requirement for almost all the major universities. But the problem with this requirement is that it is a hard one to fulfill. Writing a dissertation is not a piece of cake. It takes up a lot of effort, time and energy to put together a good and a thorough research report. You need to have sufficient knowledge and information on the topic that you have chosen as your research question. At times, students just pick a topic suggested to them by someone, without having much knowledge on it. This is definitely not a good idea. Try to think of a topic yourself and even if you ask someone for topic ideas make sure you tell them your area of interest or the area that you think you have the most knowledge about. The reason for this is that it makes it much easier for you as a researcher to figure out which direction you want to go in. Also, you will be able to easily narrow down your topic and focus on only the relevant points. You need to have a rough idea about what you are going to do.

It is always best to do a little bit of brainstorming when you come up with a topic. This way you will be clear about where you are going with that particular topic. Along with brainstorming what can really help is if you read research articles on similar topics in order to find out what other researchers have done and get ideas from their work.  In case you want to cover an aspect that has not been covered before or at least not that frequently, review of previous literature is very helpful. Once you get a clear idea about what you want to do, things become much easier. However, it must be kept in mind that planning about the direction you want to go in and execution of the plan are two separate stages. Things can go very wrong during execution, but with a good focus and continuous hard work you can manage to get your report done. If you feel like you cannot do it yourself, then it is no big deal. No need to panic as you can easily pay to get a researchpaper written by a professional for a fixed amount of money. You can share your ideas and requirements with the writer and get an excellent paper ready in no time.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Is being on top the only way to save struggling schools

We have the days where education was more of a service and an effort to build future generations’ success, their well-being and growth. In modern times with the growing epidemic of materialism that is so deeply rooted in our societies and nations, education too has become more of a commercial business than anything else. It is not about students studying, nation’s literacy rate or making successful individuals. Today it is all about getting good grades, leading to good jobs, taking annual tuition fees and providing facilities to students like a modern club would.So with this growing aspect of commercialism in schools, we ask a question if being on top is the only way to save struggling schools, the ones who are struggling not only in terms of good quality graduates but also its overall performance and standards. The answer to this we feel is a very loud YES. The most basic justification to this is the fact that competition always leads to improvement and better quality, whether it’s an institution or a product. Competition is one way of injecting that missing spark to success.
Now there are few criterions that a school that is racing to be on top can very easily fulfill and we are going to briefly discuss each of them:·         The qualification and mechanism of faculty members: A top school will always have exceptional quality of the faculty on its profile. Technically sound and masters of their work, individuals who can truly make students rise to success will be the first asset of a top school.
·         Quality of work than quantity: Top schools will challenge their students in every way to better prepare them for the future. From urgent Essay assignments to projects, reports and exams everything will be challenging and the quality will have no tolerance at all. Their focus will be producing top quality work rather than producing volumes.
·         Discipline: Another key point about top schools is their discipline; a disciplined and well behaved school as well as its stakeholders including children will be a prime example of success.
Community Development: A top school along with its students will most definitely be an active member of community development programs or will have its own programs designed to develop and strengthen the community that it is associated with for example environmental, parents, children and other similar groups.